Senate Submission
Thank you to all who emailed to add your names to the Senate Submission. (And apologies to those we couldn't include after the cut-off time). We've had over a thousand hits on this website over the past week which amounts to an extraordinary amount of interest in this campaign. The final submission is now available on the senate website, (Submission No. 153).
If you're reading this website, you may also be interested in having a look at the New Matilda website as they are drafting a Human Rights Bill. If you follow the links on the left hand side under Policy links they lead to a series of terrific articles about why Australia should be considering a bill of rights, along with an outline of the planned campaign which includes community consultation
Last night's sold out Sedition! concert was a triumph. David Marr from the Sydney Morning Herald has written an article in the Sydney Morning Herald but I can't find it online. Sorry. There is plenty about the sedition provisions in both the Age and the SMH (the only two I've had a chance to check). An Op-Ed piece from Ian Barker which I'm pleased to say is a much more convincing piece of writing than Philip Ruddock's defence of the provisions. The Age has also published Philip Ruddock along with a detailed history of how sedition laws have been used in Australia by Laurence Maher and a piece from Friday's Age by Natasha Cica.
Please do keep checking this site as there will be more to do.
If you're reading this website, you may also be interested in having a look at the New Matilda website as they are drafting a Human Rights Bill. If you follow the links on the left hand side under Policy links they lead to a series of terrific articles about why Australia should be considering a bill of rights, along with an outline of the planned campaign which includes community consultation
Last night's sold out Sedition! concert was a triumph. David Marr from the Sydney Morning Herald has written an article in the Sydney Morning Herald but I can't find it online. Sorry. There is plenty about the sedition provisions in both the Age and the SMH (the only two I've had a chance to check). An Op-Ed piece from Ian Barker which I'm pleased to say is a much more convincing piece of writing than Philip Ruddock's defence of the provisions. The Age has also published Philip Ruddock along with a detailed history of how sedition laws have been used in Australia by Laurence Maher and a piece from Friday's Age by Natasha Cica.
Please do keep checking this site as there will be more to do.